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Mother, Here Are the Importance of Breakfast for Your Little One

Breakfast is a very important intake. A child who is starving because he doesn't eat breakfast can lose concentration while studying in class. In fact, they tend to consume unhealthy foods. Therefore, it is highly recommended to familiarize your baby for breakfast. Not only provides energy for Little, breakfast also contains benefits for health, controlling weight and improving performance.

Benefits of Breakfast for Your Child

In the morning, the child's body needs to be filled with food that acts as fuel, which makes the child ready to do a variety of activities and activities. Because during sleep at night, the body does not get food intake for about 8-12 hours. Breakfast is considered very important and has a myriad of benefits for your baby, including:
  • Children who routinely do breakfast before the move, tend to meet overall healthy eating needs.
  • Help your child be able to do a variety of physical activities well.
  • Breakfast is highly recommended for Little One, because it can positively influence the child's learning process in terms of behavior, cognitive, and achievement in school.
  • Children and adolescents who regularly eat breakfast, are also generally more energized.
  • Breakfast helps maintain your baby's weight.
  • Breakfast meets the nutritional needs of your child so that helps him concentrate better. In addition, meeting nutritional needs can also protect it from various diseases.
Without breakfast children tend to be more easily disturbed, often feel restless, and easily tired. This can affect the concentration of learning in school.

Don't Just Choose a Breakfast Menu

Although breakfast is highly recommended, but Mother should not just as long as providing a small breakfast menu for ya. Indeed, breakfast with any food, at least better than no breakfast at all. But providing a balanced nutritious breakfast will provide more benefits for the Little One. In order to get the benefits of breakfast for the Little One optimally, Mother must be more careful in choosing the breakfast menu. As for the recommended breakfast menu for Little, include:
  • Carbohydrate sources such as rice or bread.
  • Foods that contain protein, namely meat, chicken, fish and eggs.
  • Vitamins and minerals from fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
  • Dairy products, such as low-fat or fat-free milk, cheese and yogurt.
In addition to some of the food menus above, cereals are also highly recommended for breakfast for your baby, you know. But Mother must be careful when choosing cereals for Little One, because in the market many cereals are sold that are high in sugar, fat, or salt. If consumed too often, can increase body weight and cause health problems in your child, including tooth decay, high blood pressure, and obesity. Choose cereals made from whole wheat, rich in fiber, and contain a little sugar (no more than double the sugar content of fiber). Whole grains are highly recommended because they contain fiber that can keep your child's digestive system healthy, and contain vitamin B. Considering the various benefits of breakfast for Little above, try to keep your Little One from skipping a healthy breakfast, Mother.


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